Policy Brief & Purpose
The Rotary Club of Warrandyte Donvale (Inc) (further to be known in this document as the “Club”) policy includes the measures we are actively taking to mitigate the spread of coronavirus. All Members, Partners, Volunteers and Guests are kindly requested to follow all these rules diligently, to sustain a healthy and safe Club Environment in this exceptional time. It’s important that we all respond responsibly and transparently to these health precautions.
We assure you that we will always treat your private health and personal data with high confidentiality and sensitivity.
This Coronavirus (COVID-19) Club policy is susceptible to changes with the introduction of additional Governmental guidelines. If so, we will update you as soon as possible by email and by posting notices on the Staff Notice Board.
This Coronavirus (COVID-19) Club policy applies to all of our Members, Partners, Volunteers and Visitors who physically attend our Club Meetings and activities. We strongly recommend to other Rotary Clubs Members to read through this action plan as well, to ensure we collectively and uniformly respond to this challenge.
This Coronavirus (COVID-19) Club policy applies to all of the Club activities but is not limited to:
- Club Meetings
- Conducting Business at the Warrandyte Rotary Op Shop
- Conducting Business at the Tunstall Square Market
- Conducting Business at the Riverside Market
- Conducting Business at other venues or events as approved by the Club Board
Policy elements
Here, we outline the required actions that should take place to protect our Members, Partners, Volunteers and Visitors themselves and their Families from a potential coronavirus infection.
General Recommendation
It is highly recommended that ALL Members, Partners, Volunteers and Club Visitors have the COVIDSafe App installed on their Mobile Phone.
At all times Members, Partners, Volunteers and Club Visitors are reminded of the importance of maintaining a physical distance, and keeping at least 1.5 metres away from others.
At all times Members, Partners, Volunteers and Club Visitors are reminded of the importance of practicing good hygiene.
Government Requirements
The Club will strictly comply to all Federal, State and Local requirements regarding Club Meetings, Retail Shop regulations and all Public Events held in the name of The Rotary Club of Warrandyte Donvale.
Sick Leave Arrangements
If you have cold symptoms, such as cough/sneezing/fever, or feel poorly, request and apology from the Club activity and stay at home.
If you have a positive COVID-19 diagnosis, you can return to the Club activities only after you’ve fully recovered, with a doctor’s note confirming your recovery.
General Hygiene Rules
Wash your hands after using the toilet, before eating, and if you cough/sneeze into your hands (follow the 20-second hand-washing rule). You can also use the sanitizers you’ll find around the Club or activity.
Cough/sneeze into your sleeve, preferably into your elbow. If you use a tissue, discard it properly and clean/sanitize your hands immediately. Avoid touching your face, particularly eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands to prevent from getting infected.
If you find yourself coughing/sneezing on a regular basis, avoid close physical contact with your Co-members and Co-volunteers and take extra precautionary measures (such as requesting leave of absence).
Rotary Club Activities Arrangements
If you are feeling ill, please stay at home.
If you have recently returned from areas with a high number of COVID-19 cases (based on CDC announcements), we’ll ask you remain at home for 14 calendar days, and return to the Rotary Event or activity only if you are fully asymptomatic with a doctor’s note confirming your status. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
If you’ve been in close contact with someone infected by COVID-19, with high chances of being infected yourself, you are to stay at home and can return to the Rotary Event or activity only if you are fully asymptomatic with a doctor’s note confirming your status. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
If you’re a parent and you have to stay at home with your children, please stay at home. Follow up with your Manager to make arrangements and set expectations.
If you need to provide care to a family member infected by COVID-19, stay at home. You’ll only be permitted to return to the office 14 calendar days after your family member has fully recovered, provided that you’re asymptomatic or you have a doctor’s note confirming your status. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
Traveling/Commuting Measures
All Club Meetings or events – as decided by the Board – can be cancelled/postponed/changed until further notice.
If you normally commute to the Rotary Event by public transportation, and do not have any other alternatives, you must wear a mask as a precaution.
If you are planning to travel voluntarily to a high-risk area or country with increased COVID-19 cases, you will be asked to stay at home for 14 calendar days on your return, and can return to the Rotary Event or Activity only if you are fully asymptomatic with a doctor’s note confirming your status. You will also be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time.
General Hygiene Rules
Masks must be worn at all times except when eating or drinking.
Wash your hands after using the toilet, before eating, and if you cough/sneeze into your hands (follow the 20-second hand-washing rule). You can also use the sanitizers you’ll find around the office.
Cough/sneeze into your sleeve, preferably into your elbow. If you use a tissue, discard it properly and clean/sanitize your hands immediately.
Open the windows regularly to ensure open ventilation.
Avoid touching your face, particularly eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands to prevent from getting infected.
If you find yourself coughing/sneezing on a regular basis, avoid close physical contact with your co-workers and take extra precautionary measures (such as requesting sick leave).
Club Meeting Arrangements
The following arrangements will be undertaken for Club Meetings:
- Club Meetings will be held at Natalie’s Restaurant, 669 Maroondah Hwy Mitcham or as the Club Board directs.
- Attendance will be limited to Club Members only, and officially invited Guests until the Board decides otherwise.
- Attendance numbers will be regulated to the room size (as designated by the Management of Natalie’s), and the allowable number of Diners, as set by Federal, State or Local Governments from time to time.
- Social distancing rules will apply to all in attendance, when not sitting at the dining tables.
- Husband and wife Members can sit together without Social distancing rules applying.
- Four tables to be provided for the following as a minimum:
- Table 1 – Hand Sanitizer Bottle and attendance sheet
- Table 2 – Meal selection and ordering
- Table 3 – Payment of Meal by EFTPos Machine
- Table 4 – Dinner Badge Box.
- Dining tables to be spaced according to Federal, State or Local Government Laws.
- Members must use their own pens when signing in
- Members will not to share cutlery, plates or glasses.